Roadkill, baby. <body>




Shoot, sexaye!

Vain vintage.

July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008

Jaded junkies.

ariel alan bruddy gid khim sarh serene shaun shifu sf tai tini timo

Sunday, June 24

Off to our back street-exploring shopping spree Macau-stopover beach-chilling sun-soaking theme park-sillying possibly triad-plagued HK adventure!

The rest of you, enjoy school. Tee hee hee.

11:07 PM

Friday, June 22

Sometimes, when I'm caught unawares, evil Cheryl takes over. Today she went on a rampage on the MRT on the way to Bugis: a regular fashion victim bloodbath. Thick ankles, gaudy pink frilly tees, unflattering jeans, 3/4 length skirts and fake LV bags didn't stand a chance. Massacred. Thankfully this entire scene manifested itself only in her head, and I will try not to let her loose again. In the meantime, keep those heart-embroidered laced stockings to yourselves, everyone.

1:15 AM

Tuesday, June 19

Faith enough.

" The ice is thin enough for walking
The rope is worn enough to climb
My throat is dry enough for talking
The world is crumbling but I know why

It's just enough to be strong
In the broken places, in the broken places
It's just enough to be strong
Should the world rely on faith tonight. "

Tonight, my world is crumbling, but I think I finally know why.

1:12 AM

Sunday, June 17

Takeoff, love
My heart is heavy as new-old thoughts churn through my mind; things I've tried to ignore to make right, problems I've tried to face by turning around. Well, hello guys, you've finally caught up.

9:56 PM

Friday, June 15

Today I decided to take a longer route back to my house from the swimming pool, and as I strolled directly underneath my windows, I was momentarily transported back to the times when I would yell, "Mummy! MUMMY!! 10 more minutes!" (unwittingly informing the entire condominium in the process) and then roller-blade off into happy childhood oblivion with my best friend, Felicia. I couldn't quite tell if I missed that kid or am glad that she's grown up (in a manner of speaking), but that ball of emotion inside left enough residue to last me through a rather hectic day and warrant a post, so there.

1:29 AM

Tuesday, June 12

I've been thinking, and it really does seem as though the world is sinking into greater and greater depths. The greatest indicator, of course, being the surge in the number of kids who spell "me" as "mwiie", and think that photos should solely consist of them, their wide eyes, and captions informing us that it's them. (Or, "mwiie", in this case.) That, along with the fact that terror is now not so much a noun as actual acts of killing and explosions.

Yes yes, I know I've torn the poor misguided darlings apart many times over, but I do admit that they are one of my greatest indulgences. Amidst the ghastly language (and let's not even go into the pictures) is my never-failing source of humour. Call me an evil witch, but euu make mwiie laff, euu do.

Okay but jokes aside, according to my calculations, there must be at least 42665 (average no. of Sec1-3 students/sch x no. of relatively Chinese-speaking schs) of these teenagers in Singapore, and I certainly do not relish the thought of them becoming the future pillars of Singapore's economy, or whatever the government wants to call them. As far as I can tell, the effects have already started to manifest themselves, because for example, there's a shop in Far East Plaza called Fra East - which is, among other things, completely ridiculous.

And apart from the occasional fashion disaster of a combination of Pink, punk, goth and Fra East (which I assume most will grow out of soon), the issue of most concern to me is therefore one which is impossible to grow out of, and that is the lack of a proper command of the English language. This may come across as being a tad condescending, but with good reason, because China can only deal with so many people, even in the long run.

So as contempt gives way to something that more or less resembles concern, I really hope something gives, before the pillars of society do.

11:34 PM