Roadkill, baby. <body>




Shoot, sexaye!

Vain vintage.

July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008

Jaded junkies.

ariel alan bruddy gid khim sarh serene shaun shifu sf tai tini timo

Saturday, July 29

Dear Bacteria, pick on someone your own size!
.. These past few days have been a whirlwind of lateness, laziness & late-night suppers. And the only thing I remember was that 5 seconds when everything fell into place.

1:48 PM

Tuesday, July 25

But heaven used to be on Wednesdays.

And if that little snapshot of my life isn't quite satisfactory (ie. it doesn't speak a 1000 words as all pictures should) - well I'm back from a rather rockin' time at The School of Angels, Demons & Monkeys; am taking up future residence at NTU Hall 14; finally collected my A level cert; am going on a road trip to Malaysia tomorrow; have just been made S$1600 richer*; am still moping over you when I have the time**.

* Bidding for best friend going at one meal at Lawrie's.
** Not.

11:59 PM

Sunday, July 23

Caged hearts drown oceans dry.

Because now talking hurts even more than the silence.

12:31 AM

Monday, July 17

The angels of grace, doom & warning.
I just realised that in a matter of weeks, my life is about to change considerably. And to be honest, I cannot say I anticipate any of it - frankly, I am scared to death, with the worst possibilities playing over and over in my head. (i.e, me having to up my creativity level by binging on Space Cake :O.)

What used to be the thrilling prospect of studying something I really enjoy is now increasingly marred by the fatal "But-what-if-I'm-not-good-enough?" syndrome, not to mention the hopefully unwarranted fear of a dangerously low hot-guy count.

Ha ha kidding. (No, rly.)

But I guess what I'm really afraid of is letting the present slip away before I can take it all in. Will class outings slowly fade to annual reunions? Will best friends find new best friends? Will family on weekends be enough? Will my sister relegate all my stuffed toys onto her bed when I'm gone?

For now, all I can do is pack my bags, books and fake cheery smile for Freshman Orientation Camp this week - and hope that the answers are far less elusive than Paul Twohill's left eye.

11:51 PM

Saturday, July 15

Frantic butterflies in my head.
the 4th of july

Sometimes it's the little things that keep me sane. And I know this because I cut my finger again.

2:22 PM

Wednesday, July 12

Can you help me I'm bent.
I can only conclude that my heart, in breaking, must've inadvertedly severed my nerves along with it - because I don't feel a thing.

1:18 AM

Friday, July 7

O, blessid union.
Cards and phone calls
and photograph pictures of you
Constant reminder
of all the things you get used to
Is there a chance in Hell or Heaven
That there's still something here to build on
Or do you just pick up the pieces after they fall
But after all

There's a light in your eyes.

12:51 AM

Tuesday, July 4

The Spectaculars.
Me, I'm thankful for new no-smoking laws and less acrid methods of mosquito fumigation. I'm currently addicted to Ribena and Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects; My hair is freakin' red and I am giving up on you because I am too tired of trying. Goodbye.

11:47 PM

Monday, July 3

Mad-ass maladies.

Some people question the intentions of girls who watch soccer, particular this World Cup season - claiming most hardly know enough about the game to appreciate it. But srsly, Mr. Hero up there is enough reason for me. (;

Hahahaha ha ha.

That aside, I do not watch soccer just to provide myself with solid conversation material should ever I need to impress the particular male that currently catches my interest. (Hello, he doesn't even watch soccer. ROFL.) No - however, I do admit to the tendency of being caught up in the excitement; ie. bubble tea, Dan Brown, ordering Macs at midnight.

But Cristiano is more than just a fad.

Love 4eva worzx.

12:24 AM